The day of the cybersoapie

Over the next period of time I shall be using my blogspot not only for the random blogging that has been my practice for some five or so years now. I also intend to present to you a cyberserial that I first published on my own website five years ago. I believe it needs to be read again by the millions who never got a chance to read it the first time.

I say this because all the topics covered in my serial are pertinent to today’s world, [2007] in a way that they weren’t when I first wrote this in 2002 and saw it in a series of … nightmares, perhaps; long before Mr Gore had made his opportunistic movie. Five years ago we hadn’t discovered China or Global Warming, among other things. All these have somehow moved to centre stage now while a frantic market dance takes place on the front apron distracting us from trends long evident. There is a rapidly evolving sense of global crisis, observable to those who watch such things with care.

For all the background to this pending cybersoapie, why i’m writing it etc you may consult my blog ‘Prophecy and testimony’ [July 2nd 2007] [scroll down a way] although you don’t need to do that now, do it afterwards.

Right now it is time to read the introduction and first [short] episode to:
‘The testimonies of an enumerator’

The testimonies of an enumerator©Featuring

• The Azanian Konfederacy© The preludes.
• The Yonka Memorandum©.


Nicholas Jakari

Part three: The Azanian Quartet.
Parts 1 and 2: being the Buffalo Hunters and The Ashanti Raider
Available in ebook from
@ USD&1.50 each

The Testimonies of an enumerator encompasses the Preludes to the Yonka Memorandum© and the Yonka Memorandum© itself. And consists of 19 serialised episodes.

Copyright© to these works vests with author and poet Nicholas Jakari aka Nicholas Williamson aka . NiK@…
NiK is the Blogospherian¨

Published by Leofric House Publishing
PO Box 891224
Zone One
Southern Azania [aka for legal purposes: Gauteng in South Africa.]

Through accessing this ebook you obtain a right to read, only.
All other rights are reserved: The author asserts his moral right to the work identified by the contents of the cyber soapie© referred to by the above title and subtitles: namely: The Testimonies of an enumerator©, the evolution of the Azanian Konfederacy©, the manifesto of Corinth Starr©, The Yonka Memorandum©, which shall be evolving on the Internet over the next period of time from the time of first publication on the weblog forum in May 2003.

This proclamation of rights shall be deemed to apply to all Jakari derived material appearing on the author’s weblog forum

No part of this work may be used in any way or in any form for purposes of financial gain and/or profit, without the express permission of the author.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication, which follows in serialised epidodes may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system for purposes of duplication, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and/ or the publisher of this work.

Neither may it be used in any other way than that intended, which is to be read, enjoyed and possibly discussed.

ISBN # 0-620-23287-0 Azanian Quartet series
ISBN # 0-620-23291-9 Yonka Memorandum

Editors note:

The poet and author Nicholas Jakari/! NiK [00], created the world of the Azanian Konfederacy to enable him to further his objective of writing in a completely different contextual style to almost any other fictional writing emerging from South Afrika in the post- Apartheid era, post-Revolution era.

Almost any other because when he chose to write the Buffalo Hunters in 1995 he was heavily influenced by the works of Milan Kundera, Umberto Eco and JM Coetzee. This has made him difficult to access, apparently, for readers who are accustomed to the almost mandatory racial sub-text of most South African writing.

So some guidelines to his work and vision are presented here. In other words, for starters: no person in these coming stories will ever be referred to by so-called “race” and in some cases not by gender either. These qualities of a human have no bearing on the story and therefore as Chekhov observed so long ago… they have no place in the text.

Jakari [a pseudonym] is himself both a pre-and post ‘September the eleventh’ person. In his case Sunday, September the eleventh, 1994 at 7.30 in the morning. On that date and time the poet Jakari was attacked and seriously wounded in a gunfight with armed gangsters. It seems they were seeking vengeance for the murder of the anti-Apartheid hero Steve Biko by the former Apartheid regime, albeit no real express ‘motive’ for the attack was ever presented, either before the assault or subsequently. Steve Biko’s observation that there is only one race, the human race, forms the core of Jakari’s chosen deconstructive writing style.

For the poet Jakari the experience was ironic [once he recovered his sense of humour…. Eh I knew this was a Sunday, I didn’t think it was going to be this holey]. His earliest recollection from his pram was of his, so-called “white” mother being verbally and physically harassed by thugs of the former Apartheid regime, when he was a near toddler where the forties became the 1950’s.

His second major recollection was of himself and a so-called “black” nursemaid being set upon by Apartheid thugs while the woman was walking him home from nursery school. When he tried to help her he was beaten, kicked and hurled into a ditch. The woman was dragged away screaming and the four-year-old Jakari was left to walk home alone, shocked, traumatised and damaged. The woman, known to him only as Jane, was never seen again, and to this day he has no idea what happened to her.

Harassment, further harassment, discrimination and assault characterised his life growing up in a small town place controlled by the evil agents of the former, now disgraced, regime. He rationalised that he was not being singled out for any reason other than a tendency to outspokenness, and that he belonged to the wrong tribe. It was normal for any, even marginal, critics of the evil regime to be harassed. Many sensible people left the country and went to live out their lives in less confrontational places.

So after that personal 9/11, while the poet Jakari was recovering from the wounds inflicted by those who were now liberated, he had a vision. He knew that he had now to become also the writer Jakari. Specifically, the writer of an extended set of tales stretching out from the present time [mid-nineties of the late twentieth century, then] to a point sometime in the future approximately one hundred and fifty years hence although there is no certainty about that time. He saw all this in what may have been a morphine induced series of major gunshot trauma, post-operative hallucinations … Alternatively he knows now that he had two, so-called, “out of body” experiences on that horrendous day, and it is possible that the idea for the Azanian Quartet was born in some no-place of a travelling soul.

Either way the idea for the Azanian Quartet was born: a set of four works spanning that period from the time of the successful culmination of the South African Revolution to approximately 2130. In order they are:

• The Buffalo Hunters©. Exorcism : First published in 1996.
• The Ashanti Raider© Redemption: first published 2001.
Both of these are available in ebook from @ USD$3.50. each
• The extreme future work: The Jonker Memorandum© aka the Yonka Memorandum: Prophecy was part published in serial form on the former, now discontinued website: http://www.williamsonreport starting late 2003. The Testimonies are part of this work and represent the “Preludes” and were first serialised during 2002-2003
• The intermediate work The Juno Konspiracy©: Reconciliation, is set in the period between the first Apocalypse of December 23rd 2012 and the Great Apocalypse of January 10th 2017. This story will commence serialisation when it commences..

The extended irony of finding himself brutalised and abused by representatives of both contending parties, in the ongoing competition for control of the vast resources of Southern Africa during the twentieth century, made him truly the ‘marginalised man’, and became the title of his acclaimed collection of poetry: “Random notes” also to be found in the bookstore @USD$3.50

“The easiest thing to do in South Africa,” he said, “is to whip up racial hatred. We avoid dealing with our all too human flaws by designating them to be the properties of “the other”. The true challenge [for Jakari] is to demonstrate the common humanity that persists between all humans, defying classification by race, creed or gender.”

The Azanian Konfederacy sets out to provide just such a demonstration. Sensitive readers are warned that the first two books in the Azanian Quartet are not pleasant reading. They depict a place of extreme brutality; one that it is hoped will evolve into a place of normal brutality like everywhere else.

Much of the material in both novels would now fall foul of the new amended Publications control Act in South Africa, and be classified XX: representing a march from freedom in the new democracy, as we strive to hide ourselves from our own truths… The two works however will provide an understanding of the context for Corinth Starr’s amazing extension to the SA Revolution, catching it as it falls, in the manner of ZANU PF into disarray, and rescuing it in an unimaginable way.


Thus the Azanian Konfederacy is a place where stereotypical physical differences between people have been eliminated and only the raw humanity prevails in all its varied forms between kindness and cruelty.

The foundations for the Azanian Konfederacy are rooted in the sophisticated Constitution of the ‘new’ South Africa that emerged from the ruins of three hundred years of kolonialist oppression in Southern Africa of so-called black people by so-called white people.

All laws in the Konfederacy are predicated on that Constitution and are moderated by the laws that prevailed in each of the formerly independent components of the Konfederacy.

The Konfederacy itself is conceptually modelled on the Swiss Cantonal system and is presented in counterpoint to the proposals of the emerging African Union in Africa, which, like its European Union counterpart, is modelled as an American style federal state.

This was done because it [Konfederacy] worked more effectively in practice than the Federal notion has shown itself to operate, at the time of writing. The Federal form was found to be problematic by citizens who were still raw from centuries of oppression and distrustful of more; and while they could see the benefits of cross continental collaboration were resistant to the idea of being controlled, by “others”, in the form of the centralised kontrol that accompanies Federalism.

Therefore rules and procedures, which are revealed in the stories that follow are derived from a context of Konfederal respect for a central constitution. This Constitution derived from that of Southern Azania [SA] was called the world’s most liberated Constitution when it was written.

For the uninitiated: a Konfederation is a loosely associated group of nations who agree to cooperate in their external affairs preparatory to forming a more formal and centralised Federal state, if ever. As a general rule Konfederal government legislation has no effect inside any of the member states unless specifically ratified by plebiscite [on each occasion legislation is passed] and much was not ratified. The Swiss Confederacy has never evolved to a federal state whereas the United States, Canada, Nigeria, the German Bundesrepubliek and Australia did.

All Jakari’s stories take place in the “Zones” (as he calls them) of the Southern part of the Azanian Konfederacy. In other words the stories are set in that part which may also, in another quantum dimension, be called South Africa. Specifically, within that dimension they could be in, mostly, that segment of South Africa called Greater Johannesburg, in the province of Gauteng (South Africa), which in the alternate geography of the Azanian Konfederacy are called Jozi or ‘South Central’ in “Zone One”. This information may be of use to some, if not it doesn’t matter; it’s just a place where people live, eat, shit, sleep, love, hate, work, work, work, procreate and murder each other, like anywhere else.

This does not mean that the other zones in Azania are called Zone’s two or three etc, as that caused far too much controversy and unhappiness. Zone One was called Zone One because it reflected an unassailable truth: that the tiny urbanised and landlocked state/administrative region was responsible for an overwhelming proportion of the Konfederacy’s gross domestic product, relative to its geographic area and population; and was home not only to the world’s greatest person produced forest, one of the great wonders of human creation in living form, but also the biggest container port on the continent.

The names of these other zones will be revealed, as this serial unfolds. Similarly more detail will appear regarding the incidental historical events of the era. This era is taken as the one hundred and fifty years following the Revolution in Southern Azania. The great determining events of that period are known variously as: “The Great Apocalypse”, “The Wars of the Acquisition”, “The Time of the Dispossession” [the era of Kolonisation by the Koloniste class, which no longer exists as an identifiable entity in the future world of the Yonka Memorandum], and, most importantly: “The Water Wars”, two of which have already taken place at the time of writing these testimonies [or are taking place, depending on your perspective].

These places and events are referred to in the later works [Jonker/Yonka Memorandum and the Juno Konspiracy] and will form the basis for some of Jakari’s post-Quartet stories like, for instance the quirky ‘confessions of a debt collector’ novel, “7 Ways to get your money….” [Available in ebook from @ USD$3.50]

Insofar as any references to other places occur, they are non-distinctive and the places they represent are not germane to the stories.

The issue of the “testimonies” themselves shall be referred to later in the series. Suffice it that they appear to have been written some one hundred and fifty years from the time of the Southern Azanian Revolution. The author is unknown and it is assumed, from the various contexts of the testimonies, that the writer would seem to be a well-informed citizen, rather than an academic scholar or other person of expert knowledge. As to why the Testimonies were written we have no information.

According to Jakari, learning to be in charge of oneself means that the journey from a slave to a freeperson is often violent. The first two parts of the Quartet reflect that violence. Part three on the other hand has seen the end of that catharsis and the world of the Jonker is a normal free society for the time in the future in which it is set. Part four will seek to reflect the move to resolving the violent with the civil. Specifically the world of the Jonker Memorandum [aka Yonka] is one where a woman could walk unmolested, naked, the length ogf the Konfederacy with a purse of gold upon her head.

Well in theory anyway…


Episode 1 The Prologue: Tales of Auld Azania

The Azanian Konfederacy in Afrika came into existence on the 15th July 2001 AD just prior to the infamous events of 9/11 that profoundly changed the world in which all people had lived for the preceding half-century.

It was formed out of all the countries of Sub-Saharan Afrika that fell into the central and southern regions of the continent known as Afrika. It is unclear what became of the countries of west Afrika or of the Semitic northern end of the continent.

In the process of its development over the period between that date (2001) and that time of the Great Apocalypse, between 2012 and 2017, the idea of a Konfederacy took hold, although progress was at first much slower than most peeple had hoped.

Later, after the Apocalypse and the freezing of the Northern regions of the planet Urdos, accompanied by the new Krusades and the great migrations of the second decade of what was then known as the 21st century AD; [but which later became known as the Post-Apocalypse Era [PAE] and also the 51st century], the Konfederacy went through a moribund period, gradually fusing around the problems of coping with the mass movements of populations around the planet, until at the time of the Yonka Memorandum it had become a place joined by common adherence to the Konfederate Constitution.

To be continued…

Welcome to the world of the Azanian Konfederacy.

While the editorial team understands that the world of the Azanian Konfederacy is a fictional one these views do not always square with those of the poet and author Nicholas Jakari, who frequently confuses the real South Afrika in which he lives with the Southern Azania in which he also lives.

If you wish you can also sign up to be a citizen of the Azanian Konfederacy, which is open to all residents of Afrika. Offshore residents may also become citizens if they have a connection, spiritual or real, to the re-emerging spirit of Afrika and are committed to the vision of an Afrika sharing a common destiny with the rest of humanity.

Yes… I would like to be a free citizen of the Azanian Konfederacy in Afrika and understand that at a time when all the 19 episodes of the testimonies have been published that all the names of those who desire citizenship shall be entered along with their comments and other contributions; also including the comments and contributions of those who may not choose citizenship, and that all of this information shall be published in ebook through or any other such facility as time goes on. It may even, who knows, come to be published in the increasingly sclerotic Print form.

See also:

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