SouthernNotes: ThucididesRulz


TakeThe TrainTo



For All












The opening lines are taken from Chapter12: “The Vicious Circle”… See: “WhyNationsFail” Daron Acemoglu+JR… Bo being the, once ‘end of the line’, for the railway going through Mendeland in Sierra Leone. It was destroyed deliberately to limit the development of political rivals. And in China political rivalry amongst the cities is allegedly intense… Total kontrol means just that. Keep the lid on tight… Too many people were obviously made nervous by what happened last year in HK.

The rest of the XapZi indicates the poet’s interpretation, of the reasoning behind “Mainland’s/Beijing’s control obsession… And was written in response to Mainland China taking effektive kontrol of HongKong this past week… [Now to be known as HonkKonk].

The takeover should not be a surprise: it is one of the planks, in the Thoughts of Chairman Ji, published a year or two back. And there has never been a better moment to strike. Britain is impotent… And is ‘cut loose’, no longer linked to EU, which could be big enough, to prove worrisome. The former Lessee it is an aging toothless bulldog that is barely capable of running itself… The deathrate in care homes from CV-19 has been horrendous; and the “Amiable Rotter” [Johnson] hasn’t been himself since his own dip into the hellish world represented by Covert-19… So the place is being run by a shadow man.

Thus the ‘hijack’ of an agreement, made, obviously, not in ‘good’ faith: one step two step… The tactic repeats an ancient mantra… You are distrakted… You are sick… Now is my chance to kill you and take your stuff: For me…

So the chance has been taken. They don’t come often so wait is not an option.There will be “disappearances”. Not yet. This is not time to use the Tong approach, presented with such careful braggadacio… during a seriously bruising, deeply lively, Hardtalk session on the BBC currently. Mr Ronnie Tong, revealed deeply felt rage. No now would be time for more Yin.

They would appear to have violated a treaty. It was a post kolonial game. They don’t really have to care. Nonetheless they are agressively defensive… There is a curious loss of face here and there is rage to contain it.

They are also used to getting their own way… with a billion plus subjects. Plus they know they have the [so-called] West over the proverbial barrel…. In many different ways… So they have taken a fateful step… It is a long time since a world leader took such a step… It is a step with confused outcomes.

In practical terms: no one is going to fight over Hong Kong. There may be some compromised whining at the UN. There will be some tut tutting; and a few deeply watered down resolutions will hit the veto button: and life will go on. The media will move elsewhere and so will the money… Honk Konk’s day is done…
Money needs freedom: to work its magic…

So who is going to blink…? No one.

The people who own/manage all the ‘money’, in the Casino that is the world economy, don’t fare well under the Koronoptikon strukture of the super surveillance State… and will slowly slip away… Then there is a reality: growth on the exponential scale of the past decade is already history… At rekord zero oriented interest rates for at least the next decade consi=olidation was inevitable… a world on margin already can only push the margins into ever more vapourous territory.

There will of course be a shell to be watch, but freedom has its own demands… Money is not ‘real’. In modern form it is all digital… and as Spengler put it: Money is a ‘way of thought’. There are no vaults of gold and silver for the Chinese Party heirachy to ‘obtain’. … Only digitalia in the form of noughts and ones. These will vanish into the dark night: when danger threatens… And it has no longer threatened: but “Become and set”… to use yet another Spenglerian phrase.

China has an amazing track rekord with the Chinese. Their Utilitarian based philosophy has permitted most of a billion people to have been uplifted. They have created the greatest comeback in economic history. Routinely though, success breeds arrogance: and entitlement. Mr Tong presented this with deep contempt.

Their hypothesis is [presumably] that they will gamble on the greed of the wealthy, in HongKong; and the compliance of the pacified ‘masses’ now atomised through lockdown…. And the probability is that they will be korekt to do so…

Hong Kong will however, more probably become the first Financial Detroit of the 21st Century… It will merge as a suburban part of a massive Pearl River Delta Kolektive. It wont happen tomorrow; in the same way that the first ‘disappearances’ wont… well not the noticeable ones anyway.

Nonetheless both are now set onto an inexorable path. A path that allegedly seeks the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people… Are slaves happier then: than free people?

The greater folly: Mainland China does not actually need two State Controlled Financial centres… in the same way that the USA doesn’t need two [relatively] free market NewYorks. In the ideological view HonkKonk served a useful historikal purpose,. That purpose is effektively rendered obsolete now: notwithstanding the ‘Systems’ stated resistance to reality currently. And the obsolescence has as much to do with the ‘Western’ [repeat] response formula for handling the Covid economic meltdown… 2008 on bloated Steroids.

Then “They” [Central Banks] used a radikal interpretation of a competing ekonomic hypothesis, called Modern Monetary Theory… It is really how the world sort of toddled along for the centuries before Capitalism evolved… and until recently was barely ever mentioned… so it seems to be reworked Modern.

So while the real world outside China is immobilised the dragon steps out of its lair… to sniff the air: rancid with Covid inadeqacy.

The purpose of the State is to serve the people who vote it into existence. A State whose prime legitimacy lies in its coercive power, is therefore not ‘for the people by the people…”: even if it is avowedly “For the People” and notwithstanding their track record: of scintillating success. They are tacitly, in defensive mode, having grasped noThing: in what could become an appalling mis-step… Or perhaps not. We shall see.

So HK becomes a 21st century sacrificial offerning… dead meat waiting for the freezer. Shanghai rulz. Maybe. Money needs to be free to grow, so Honk Konk: is history from July1. [It was already considered history back in 1980… Hence Dubai…] Whether the currently obsessive State will be content with the outcome is moot… We are often dissatisfied with the reality presented by what what we dream of when it finally arrives. A different Bo is testimony to how the complex incentivisers can also just go… deeply awry.

Regrettably: ideology generally trumps reasoned sanity… [Even he does it without]

Nonetheless: China does seemingly hold all the cards. Well, presently anyway. And there are no other cards too evident. It will be interesting to see whether the great New York Windbag can manage anything more than huff and puff. Perhaps sensibly he is at work on his re-elektion bid… And if the Chinese want to get funny over one of their pawns then… then chill… He is looking a bit punchy.

Perhaps the Chinese leadership envisages a looming konflict, after the present Kontest between Bad and Badder among the Firmians runs out. Then they have to face down whichever team wins. Bit of Khrushchev revival method acting koming up at the UN. So they are closing a link: acknowledging that an historical tipping point moment has arrived… Thucidides rulz

In which case it is a move worthy of LaoTse.



*Koronoptikon [ex Economist]… a variation on Panopticon [ask Google.] Describes the evolution of the Surveillance State; the magnitude of which has become apparent, noted, particularly, but not exclusively, with China’s response to the plague that has engulfed the planet.
* Other Bo: Bo Xilai… Rising star in the Communist Party… fell from grace in a stunning fall via a factional konflikt exacerbated with murder and a list of other bad things.