“Skate of the Nation” SONA 2016

Title comes from a child’s tee shirt, seen [appropriately and innocently one assumes on the part of the child] first thing, on arriving at a workplace,the day after the event. Given some of the Rhetoric and the general reception tossed about during the SONA presentation it seemed appropriate.

Scene.1 Part 1
“Skate of the Nation” [SONA] 2016 From Mr. Kant’s tee-shirt.

If Marikana represented a significant low point in the evolution of the post-liberation order in Mzansi then the week that culminated with the State President’s relatively empty speech to both houses of Parliament on the 13th Feb, was undeniably a high point.
The President had buckled to the pressure of the organized State, deliberately constructed through the 1996 Konstitution… and had offered to pay back some of the money spent on hugely overstated renovation expenses on his personal home. Earlier in the week his legal team effectively capitulated in hearings at the Konstitutional Kourt.

There were a range of emotional responses that were reverberating through society, particularly amongst those who had resolutely defended his unwillingness to comply with a requirement from the Public Protektor. There was considerable rage amongst his opponents in other parties, as well as in the fabled Twittersphere.

At the KonKourt hearings on the 11th February, the People scored a momentous victory that will reverberate through the next century. On Thursday night the President had to speak to the nation and, as predicted, pretended nothing had happened.

I switched out; channel surfing through the speech. During his introduction there were many moments, unlike those one often finds when exhilarated. So I went in search of adventure [?] surfing the channelsphere.

It was a curious journey channel surfing up and down the news media of all persuasions, returning from time to time to see what happened to the President’s presentation, in the intensely drawn out evening.

I encountered a wall of rage on one channel. The strange movement to simplicity as a new wave of “terrible simplifiers’ [to use a newly fashionable term] toss out their remedial solutions to terrible problems. “Syrians go Now!” was the rage position … you have to help… they will die if they stay where they are… don’t care … go back where you belong…

And then in between the president thanking the interrupted benefactors part, there was Yellen defending her mal-konsidered position and, after a few inconsequential journeys through random events including the Chinese celebrations in Hong Kong…. a fabulous visual story, of a celestial merger: that confirmed an historical hypothesis.

While the Pres made the odd
Point that was ok much of it was
In summary: Same ole
Same ole
Walking in our
Old traditional

It was ultimately as though the 21st century hadn’t yet occurred… all our focus was on 19th century protestations… Nothing that is currently generating new revenue in the New Economy, made it through the cut.

So having given you the summary you kan now move on: unless you want to linger and probe deeper into the events of the evening
In which case read on….
Part 2.

First Long stop: Channel… RT in a: “Let us bait the West” affair; pitting a “Let us pit a bleeding eyeball lefty against a staggeringly mean Right wing lady”… in a seriously robust debate. All ‘Politically correct’ language postponed indefinitely… and curiously refreshing it was.

The heated debate centered on a rape of a ten-year-old boy in a European public swimming pool by a middle eastern refugee who claimed he hadn’t had sex for months as his excuse. As mentioned: the debate involved one female anti-refugee campaigner and a man who spoke for mercy. I missed the part that identified either speaker so in an odd way it mirrored the SONA speech where few of the early routine interjectors were identifiable notwithstanding the Speaker’s presence. For those who missed it close on a million people have evacuated from Syria [and elsewhere] this past year or two; most seeking refuge in “nice” places like the [allegedly] fabled fabulously opulent Europe. Europe is not happy.

She [the anti-refugee campaigner] was …
Gloriously glib, wonderfully articulate; and loaded with a smugly sanctimonious, fiercely nimbyist vision of measured certainty. She was a woman whose savagely isolationist position at the comfortable edge of society was marked by a ferocious tenacity of righteous purpose: and reasoned psychosis; on a scale of “Righteousness” that would have left the late Margaret Thatcher sounding like an, apparent, tree hugging softie.
Awful person. Stunning defence of purpose.
She tackles with barely concealed contempt, the slippery unctuous panderings of an embrocationously [sic] ‘Uriah Heep’ class of righteous, buttery do-gooder: schlepping for guilt driven donations to a less than worthy cause.
She demonizing him. Presenting a ‘knowingness’ that his ilk have loaded the Milk… living well while those for whom they succour eternal fathomless depths of aid are, in her axiom, as less than child molesters… against the backdrop of which as previously mentioned: the pandering appeals emanated.
I switched back to our leader’s introduction mulling…
What of our unctuous uttering’s…?
Back to the SONA.

Part 3

Naughtiness is not as much fun
In a place
Where it is ok to be naughty. If
It only has relish when
There is some klan
Emotion inflamed
To bring the adored
Tractions: violence and
So let it be
And the Honorable
President’s presentation.

If SONA was chess
The President opened with
A remonstration regarding
Mzansi’s 300 year old
Race dis
Shifting from the centre to
Keep every watcher’s eye off
The ball; after which his moves
Became random.
Then Sturdy Floyd took
Not the
Bait: called RACE. Pointed out the President
Had turned more than three pages
And had not
Said one word
About the trillions
He: NO ONE ELSE… had cost the country when
He had unilaterally fired
the incumbent Finance
In fairness it was probably
More than three pages of
Acknowledgements to
Eons of titular icons from everywhere on Planet
Salted with Alto Greko
Paeans to the most ritual
Ised of those currently ritualized
Columns of heroes
And heroic events…
SO much for hors de oeuvres.
I channel surfed again
Thinking it would be
10 minutes of so before he reached
His point and came back after some few
Minutes watching Janet Yellen
Undergoing public
And kontrolled
Interrogation by some apparently
Kommision, on why she had been so in
Sensitive to think that the twenty
Five basis point hike in the
FED rate was
A small sum for a world
Floating on so
Much debt that, were there
Some inevitable
Theory” derived extensions to our own
Reality and we were
Able to suck the life out a
Earths: we could not pay it off.
So why her 25 when there
Were even random blog
Gists and assorted Facebook
Refugees pleading 4 as more related
To reality
And some regions
Have now
Gone nega
She conceded the possibility
That they [she]
Had mis
Kalculated: simply precipitated a
Frenzied ‘hit’
And then ‘wham’.
She did not indicate any
Intention though to significantly
Alter course
So Bam Bam
And back to
The President Maam
And the ever-inching SONA.
Relocate in time to
Hear him repeating an entire
Section of stuff he
Had just said when I left to visit
That was a weird feeling… that i
Quickly attributed to my
Own techni
Kal ignorance: assuming
I’d accidently
Somehow pressed a replay
Button I didn’t
Know I had.
So I switched to 408:
The Parliamentary channel.
He was repeating his heroic
Take on someone or
Other from the past, after
Interrupted for a time by
‘Naughty Schoolperson’ red
Shirts… Who, oddly for a
Kolektivist oriented
Function, objected
[Reasonably and persist
Ently] to
On another channel a man called
Rubio was being called ‘out’
By some Political Mann
For using
The same pre-memo
Rized aphorism
On three consecutive
Occasions: seemingly without
His journey.
Back again.
Floyd had made a telling point
Regarding the unexplained firing of a
Solid and widely respected Finance
Minister; and a man,
Once less politely called “Terror”,
Was reminding the gathered world that
He was a man of Principle
Who would not tolerate Madam Chair’s continued use of the
“Honorable” in Konek
With the “man” who had admitted
To having pre
Varicated over the recent
Matter of
Konstitutional imperative: and
Had been found
He took his tiny team and
With a dignified “harrumph”
Exited the room and
From association with
The gathering as later
The Red persons chanting their toi
Toi rhythmic exit that “ZUPTA MUST FALL#’…. ZmuStF#
As they went: their aim placed
At two varied persona.
Then… for a moment… the room was silent.
Last year it was “Rhodesmustfall#
This year it’s Zupta: an idol
Atory icon… MF#.
So after a broad repetition of
Yet another earlier
I once again relocated to another
Where a man was ann
Ouncing to a gathered crowd
That He/We/His team/what
Had provided proof
That something hypothesized
By an Ahistorical icon – Time Mag
Azine’s: “Man of the [20th] Century”
Albert Einstein,
Had now been
Proven to be valid.
And was henceforth factual.
Further henceforth, it shall be accepted
That Gravity is not the
Variable force
We thought it to be
[Since Newton]
But rather, it [GRAVITY] does experience
Waves and while the President searched desperately
Amongst his limited waves of porous achievements
For some modicums of joyous achievement in a gathering cloud of discontent, we watched a Billion year old
As two [so-called] “Blackholes”, somewhere
Out there: in the infinity of
Infinities that is Space…
Swirled in majestic synergy and
Merged; sending radiating waves of mutual
Kolliding gravitational fields
Spraying like some tortured ocean
Into a galaxy some
Where beyond time
And even
Light, as we know those
Things: leaving what we now
Know to be a foot
Print to the origins of all
As for SONA the waves of Naught
Iness gave way to paro
Chial paucity randomly gathered still…
Some references with unaccustomed Gravity
To hard times
Bad world causing waves of dis
Integrating growth prospects
And some plans that were being ur
Gently re-prepared by well
Trained re-planners.
It’s the old story
A voice said on the Bloomberg’s
Chinese New Year silly
Season parade of interviews, of
Random persons. This one announced that Left and Right
Were eventually grasping that it was
“All about the economics”.
Oh dear: the dismal science: the inter
viewer opined… The scene cut to New Year
Celebrations… The year of the goat
Was head butted out of range. A
A tentative world
Admitted the Year of
A now discontinued creature….

I arrived back as the President de
Livered the punch line to a
Rousing tale of some achieving
Somewhere: the detail of which I had
And in the gath
Ered pause that his prompter
Demanded, I listen
Ed to the empty
Echoing of two
Hands clapping.
The rest were silent.

* For the uninitiated: “Uriah Heep: Note this is not a reference to a great rock band of a while back; but rather to its mutual origin. The character created by Charles Dickens: the unctuous Uriah Heep.

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