Territorial Notes regarding 2136 circa AA.


With reference to place names and the past.

Your Excellency should take note that:
The unfolding of these testimonies involves travel to, or reference to, a number of places in the southern part of the aforementioned Azanian Konfederacy and those that seem most important are herewith briefly described to obviate the need for description further: It being understood that all information is as presented in the kollektionof doccuments referred to as The Jonker Memorandum and those called the Testimonies together with the reference dokument referred to as Koz.
1. Amazulu: Kingdom of, Territory bordering eastern coastline between latitudes x and y (see map). The territory appears to encompass the Free Zone of Port Natal (sometimes also referred to as New Jaakarta). It is our understanding* that this territory was held as a free trading colony of Amazulu. Capital Ulundi. There are also indications that the first wave of Grimdonesian survivors who swept in over a newly created landbridge from the island of Grabdamasker made their way to the remaining parts of Port Natal and settled there; and then not being joined by any successors were gradually absorbed into the local populace.
2. Bosigo: A Mountain State with extensive arid semi desert holdings. These latter are situated on an expanse of low-lying territory eastwards to the confluence of the Orange and Bambata [previously known as Vaal] rivers, as denoted. It is centrally situated and landlocked, which limited the damage caused by the series of floods (referred to by the Enumerator and validated through archaeological records) that apparently changed the geography of the planet extensively during a period some time before these testimonies were collected.
Bosigo claims Tribute from the Kimberly City State and controls the headwaters to a considerable part of a dry interior especially to Zone One where it helped to nourish that region’s hydroponic farming system.
With its capital at Maseru it would seem to be a form of warrior/brigand State comprising 60 commune zones linked together violently when necessary through suppressive outbursts. Property rights were interpreted collectively and a highly disciplined, so-called ‘Spartan lifestyle’ was maintained. We understand this to mean that the peeple who lived there could live with little in the way of what we understand to have been important to Peeple elsewhere: a comfortable life. Notwithstanding this though Bosigo it seemed was pragmatic to the passage of trade, from which it extracted heavy tribute in the form of tolls. Govt: post- feudal/ intermittently constitutional monarchy with putative multiparty chambers of oligarchic parties.
New Cape Town: (NCT) City State. Legislative council based on popular vote. Formerly historically associated, variously, as a trading station and a legislative centre for hinterland associations of sublegislative regions. It was also a maritime centre with shipping facilities for peaceful and warlike purposes utilizing the vast ocean of water that gave it its reason to exist.
The city was completely rebuilt after it was destroyed some time before that being considered in the Testimonies. Apparently the city [and many other places] was struck by a form of extreme water movement called a “Tsunami” that seems to have emanated from a region to the southwest, from what once appears to have been a polar region.
NCT: Consisted of Fort Table a fortress Island, which towers over all the City’s elements: the Fjords of southern Cape Town, the extended city, called BoKaap, A region known as The Southern Peninsula and the Liberty Islands.
Kollektively these were known as The Cape Federation.
The territory extends for some two hundred kilometres* (*Kilometre: a measure of distance equal to a thousand paces made in sensory space: Kompiler) and claims suzerainty over the city-states of Graaf-Rienet and Kimberly. Bosigo and Kei (see below) repudiated these claims. The Cape Federation was also in frequent conflict with Bosigo, using its control over limited Port facilities to counteract water toll charges.
Bordering on Amazulu and Bosigo and occupying the southeastern coastline to the Gamtoos River, where it maintained garrisons against encroachments from the Cape Federation. The latter made claims on various territories, based on historical precedents that were also disputed and of which we have no records. Capital Mtata. Government Oligarchic with strong Feudal overtones: “Good Ole Buddie” * State corporation style systems of duopolies. [* ref: KKWAN ibid p744 aka Koz]
Principal Regions: Port Sandile situated on the Buffalo River, Nonquaze at Algoa Bay also known as Ebaayi and also formerly known by various other names apparently was acquired from the Cape Federation after the Wars of the Acquisition* [*There is little clarity on the nature of these wars: why they happened or for what purpose, other than perhaps to be associated with water shortages. Water was a critical requirement for the survival of Peeple and was apparently in short supply.
We also understand that these places to which we have referred were built inland from earlier regions engulfed in the rising of the coastline following the event that leveled Old Cape Town. see earlier ref re NCT: Kompiler.]

Monomatapa …North of the Limpopo River, to Zambezi in north, and to the east coast. Described as a Makaranga Theocracy dominated by a leadership known as the New Roswi. Capital Harare. Principal regions: Zimbabwe, Nieue Sofala, and Victoria. Suzerainty claims over Bulawayo City State enforced through tolls on the Zambezi pipeline.
Bamangwato: Desert territory bordering the Newe Karolinga Republik on eastern side and encompassing all the desert regions to the western city state of Windhoek on the Namib coast. Bamangwato claims conflicting suzerainty rights against Monomatapa over the Bulawayo City State. Lost control over the Zambezi pipeline to Monomatapa during the fourth war of the Chimurenga* [similarly, to earlier references, we have limited knowledge of this event: Kompiler]. Popular assembly supports a business/ agrarian oligarchy. Capital Gabarone.
Newe Karolinga. An agrarian republic governed by a popular assembly, subject to theocratic control. Party list system overwhelmingly supports the Karolingan* Assembly Party who had governed the region for many, many segments of Peeple time. [ Karolingan: see below] A desolate and dirt-poor region supporting various forms of permaculture and low yield mining activities. The bulk of its citizenry survived on Basic Pay…a form of income grant, which it seems, was a right to which all citizens of the Konfederacy were entitled.
(NB Kompiler’s note: We understand ‘money’ to have been a medium whereby peeple could arrange exchanges between them of physical and conceptual objects that were required in order to satisfy certain survival and other needs. References are made throughout the Testimonies to this substance…money. KKKWAN refers to it as “an ephemeral substance that appears to have no constant or absolute value but by virtue of its elusive relativity. Love of the concept was described by educated commentators as the source of all evil.”)
Newe Karolinga was situated in a sandwich between Monomatapa, Bamangwato and Amazulu, the region was at the time of the testimonies host to many descendants of the Karolingan Krusaders, who, it seems, had undertaken an epic journey to a place called The Holy Land following great floods and the onset of frozen conditions in the northernmost regions of the planet which occurred at a time called Armageddon.
According to Koz* [ref: Koz: Legends of Urdos. Parallel edition Ref co-ord 763908] these particular Karolingans apparently became confused for some unclarified reason and went off course on their journey to this alleged “Holy Land”. They landed somewhere on the continental landmass of Azania and fought their way south. It seems they were armed apparently with terrible weaponry of a type never encountered before. They left nothing behind them as they moved directly south along a great river.
Much of the territory through which they moved was already laid waste by critical shortages of water, and many of the places where water was reasonably plentiful were equally devastated by a terrible plague that afflicted great numbers of peeple and rendered them incapable of much resistance.
The Karolingans kept moving although their numbers shrank considerably. A great many settled in the fertile regions of east central and south central Azania after claiming land in exchange for assisting the Azanian Konfederacy to repulse a second invasion by Grimdonesians across the landbridge linking the mainland of Azania to a former island off the east coast.

They were finally allowed free transit through Monomatapa following something called the Treaty of Victoria and finally settled in the territory that came to be known later, as Karolinga. These Karolingans as they were known were not a friendly people and were apparently fiercely addicted to a belief in a non-physical reality and governed their lives according to a ceremony known as the Klensing.
Zone One: The pulse of the Azanian Konfederacy. Zone one was unusual by the standards of peeple around the world. It was a city region that was not situated on a water confluence point. Apparently it came into existence to mine gold, a commodity highly prized for its intrinsic value. Later it became a trading and manufacturing region. Over time the gold was mostly gone and the region entered into a condition of seemingly terminal long-term decline.
According to the testimonies it [Zone One] was being used as a temporary “cash cow” * [we do not know the meaning of this term; referent sources indicate that it has something to do with easy wealth generation, Koz refers to “Rent seeking”, although we are not certain what that means.] to supplement the development of the entire Konfederacy.
Strategically located in the highland prarielande, also known as ‘Velde,’ of southern Azania the decline was arrested after the “Ringing” * [Kompiler’s note: the events known as the “ringing” are comprehensively described earlier.]. Foresight had seen the development of a system of solar powered towers, the ruins of which could still be seen and which curiously were laid out in a pattern reminiscent of our own star system. This as you no doubt know has given rise to numberless theories relating to prescient possibilities.
Various other forms of weather modifying devices were apparently built on to the towers over the years and they became a primary source of foodstocks for the citizenry. We have no samples of these.
Because it was a desirable place to live and many were attracted to it, residence rights in Zone one had,apparently, eventually been limited to those who had a birthright to a water supply, or who could make a large enough investment to acquire basic water rights for themselves, and any they may bring with them.
A “water rights market” existed to distribute possession of water rights. Entry by non-residents was moderated by their ability to purchase water rights vouchers on the rights market. All citizens had basic rights to minimal water needs. Outsiders and residents alike could trade water surpluses to facilitate intermittent visiting for business or recreation purposes. Notwithstanding this or perhaps because of the problems associated with water there was minimal movement of citizens between regions.
[Kompilers note: Numerous references are made throughout both the introduction to the testimonies and the testimonies themselves to events from a period called, The Past. In many cases these references are made without explanation. We are at this stage only able to speculate on what these events could have been in most instances. There are however some instances where other archaeological information lends evidence to support or supplement the limited information we have on the planet.]

* Note: The planetary sub-species Humanity, also known as (aka) Peeple, who form the primary subject of this document calibrated the passage of their lifetimes by conceptualising a process which they called ‘Time’. This process was itself then calibrated by various methods of chronological record using periods called centuries according to a range of referent points, amongst which we have established two, called AD and BC, which seemed to be a predominant referent for this region.
We are uncertain whether the term ‘Twentieth Century”, refers to the former or the latter referent although such evidence as we have gleaned tends to indicate AD. It is not certain to what these terms signify although all indicators point to a reverential figure affecting the PAST of some of the Peeple, and who provided, it seems, a start for an era. We do not believe Jordan Marak to be that reverential figure since he appears to have arrived at an end time between one age, AD, and another called AA.